More and more, organizations are upgrading to modern data loss prevention solutions such as DTEX InTERCEPT, a workforce cyber intelligence platform that provides endpoint monitoring and behavioral analytics, to offer more effective results for significantly less operational pain and user frustration. GigaOm has recognized this in their latest 2022 Radar Report for DLP.
"DTEX maintains its position as an Innovative Feature-Play Leader, but has changed from a Fast Mover to an Outperformer due to its increasing innovation and willingness to build a better understanding of threats, as demonstrated by its relationship with MITRE."
Threat analysis will soon be a standard component of modern DLP solutions and DTEX is at the forefront of innovation with our behavioral analytics strategy and focus on employee privacy.
About DTEX InTERCEPT GigaOm writes, "The risk is then assessed, scored, and presented via an impressive dashboard that gives security teams the relevant threat information to make quick decisions on any specific risk, as well as the ability to anonymize information before sharing it so as to remove the risk of inherent bias," a nod at our patented psuedonymization technique.
Get complimentary access to the full GigaOm DLP Radar Report now for more on DTEX and other available solutions for data loss prevention.